The frog secretions are a smorgasbord of peptides that so far appear to be unique in their combination, including dermorphine and deltorphine, two naturally occurring opioids. Read more about Kambo frog here. Dermorphine is at least 30 times stronger than morphine, and deltorphine has an unusually high blood-brain barrier rate of penetration.
It is in fact a potent cocktail of bioactive peptides that benefit humans greatly. While there are plenty of people who’ve reported good results after doing a kambo ceremony, there’s not much scientific evidence to back up these claims. The ceremony begins with a few minutes of breathwork to calm the mind and stop any anxious thoughts before going into the intense ritual.
Researchers have isolated several compounds within kambo that may have health benefits, but further research is required to determine whether kambo is suitable for use in a clinical context. During the kambo ritual, a shaman will burn small holes into the top layers of the skin using the end of a burning stick. The shoulder is the typical location for kambo administration, but the practitioner may also apply it to the back, legs, or feet. This article will look at the research behind the effects of kambo, the traditional collection and use of this poison, how people perform the cleanse, what to expect, and its risks and side effects. In Western medicine, treatment recommendations always say to go where the evidence supports using a particular therapy for a particular disease. “This has no evidence to support beneficial use for any disease states,” Kuhn said.
What Is Kambo Therapy?
The purging is thought to eliminate physical, emotional, and energetic toxins. When you’re living with a mental illness like depression or addiction, there are times you may think you would try anything (including kambo) to feel better.
I’m confident your in the best hands in Canada for this type of medicine. It’s vital to let the ceremony leader know if you have any medical conditions. There will be certain conditions that mean Kambo is not the safe or right choice for you. If you follow a vegan lifestyle, you will need to decide whether this particular ceremony is suitable for you.